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The Brandeis University Quant Club is a charted club at Brandeis University [v. 2023-3.1]

Who we are

Founded in 2021, the Quant Club is a society dedicated to the education and training of students in applied mathematics and computer science for applications in quantitative finance, academia, sports analytics, and economics. In many ways, this club is purpose-built to teach the quantitative skills necessary to approach abstract problems that require complex, non-linear decision making in any field.

You will:

  • Have the opportunity to collaborate with other members on academic research projects and software applications.

  • Gain experience in large-scale object oriented programming languages including JavaScript, Python, C++, and or Java.

  • Work with and learn about topics in quantitative finance including numerical methods, combinatorics, stochastic calculus, and statistics.

  • Meet like-minded Brandeis students and faculty to grow your academic and career interests.

Our projects

Have you ever aspired to develop a software application capable of guessing solutions to Wordle puzzles? What about a Python script capable of finding arbitrage opportunities in crypto? Throughout our club's sessions, members are afforded the invaluable opportunity to engage in research-centric projects on an individual or collaborative basis.

Moreover, they have the opportunity to present their discoveries and address any challenges encountered before the collective. For quantitative finance projects necessitating access to public equity and derivative-related datasets, the club offers an extensive array of premium data endpoints exclusively to our active members. Furthermore, we extend our unwavering support and financial assistance in procuring all requisite resources to facilitate project success.

See previous group project →